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Daisypath Friendship tickers

Friday, October 22, 2010

Changes in Magna....

I blogged several months ago. In fact earlier this year about all the happenings in Magna mainly all the demolishing that has been going on and all the new and fresh business etc. coming to good ole magna.

Here is a update- this last week the demolishing crews have demolished the old Sprouce Ritze (hope i spelled that right) and the Smith's store.

The new Holiday oil is really moving along and will be open real soon. And the new Library is moving along fast as well. The senior citizen center is already open and has been for already a few months. However i do not have pics of the Senior citizen center.

But, i do have pictures of the demolishing and i think some of Holiday Oil.

Holiday Oil

Goodbye to the Old Smith's and Sprouse Ritz"

*** I can't seem to find the pictures that fit the title and the demolishing that has gone on this week. If and when i do i will modify this post.

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